Bock Saga—An Alternative Creation Story

Since Ior Bock first revealed the Bock Saga to the world, this alternative creation story has captured the hearts and minds of more than one million people, ‘Bockists’, around the world.

If you are new to the Saga then the following excerpts from my book The Bock Saga: An Introduction will help make clear why it is such an incredible story, and one that may at any time now be proven factually correct by the ongoing, tireless work of the Temple Twelve:

The Bock Saga is the story of mankind as passed down through the generations of the Bock family, the Finnish family of Ior Bock whom, according to him, was the keeper of an ancient oral tradition that sheds light on the heathen culture of Finland and its history.

It begins with the first two people dwelling on this earth and ends with the untimely and tragic death of Ior Bock in 2010. It covers a huge time span and an enormous number of events have taken place since then. The Bock Saga narrates this in great detail. It is, in short, an enormous story…

Ior Bock told us that, from the age of seven to the age of 27, he had been educated on the Bock Saga by his mother, Rhea, and her sister Rachel Boxström. He would have to sit for two hours every day and listen to his mother and aunt relating the Saga. He was not allowed to say a single word; he could only listen. The two storytellers were very strict taskmasters. If, for some reason, a day was skipped, the listening time would be doubled on the following day. Needless to say, this all happened at the expense of the young Ior’s formal schooling.

Oral traditions have the unfortunate reputation of not being trustworthy, because when passed on they slightly change, so that over long periods of time a story can change considerably. The Saga differs in that it lays on top of what is called the “sound system”, which is similar to a mathematical matrix that controls what is true and what is not in the Saga. This particular matrix is formed by the Root language, a language in which every sound has a meaning and a mark. All syllables, words and sentences are combinations of these building blocks of meaningful sounds.

Since the meaning of the sounds are fixed and cannot be altered, the Saga can be passed on to the next generation without any changes in its purest form. Just as mathematics is the language in which the natural cohesion between numbers is described and can be thus passed on, so is the Root language the natural means of describing the Bock Saga.

When in symphonic music a discordant note is played, you can immediately hear it is not in harmony. The same is true for spoken words that do not fit into the Bock Saga. When names or facts are given that are not in harmony with the sound system, we know it does not fit into the story and is fictitious. The sound system is carried by the Root language.

According to the Saga, the Root language was the first language on our planet. It was formulated in the brain of the first human. It is a simple, natural language that firstly describes body parts, and analogue to that, a person’s immediate surroundings (nature), the heavens above and from there on, it progresses to abstract concepts. Many times, the meaning of the sounds in the Root echoes from the human body’s layer of meaning to the other layers of meaning just described.

One of the implications of the sound system being the matrix of the Bock Saga is that it is, and always will be, primarily a story transferred orally. An analogy to this can be found in music, which is best passed on from “ear to ear” instead of through written notes.

The Bock Saga was kept strictly within the family for almost a thousand years. The Bock family’s plan was, among other things, that Ior would be the first and the last member of the family to share this story with the outside world in the year that his mother passed away.

Before she died on 6 April 1984, Rhea Boxström, who was the family’s last female member, gave Ior her blessing to start relating the story on 24 February 1984 – the day Skottdag was celebrated.

At the time of her death, Ior Bock was the last surviving member of this once great family and the only person in the world who knew the Saga.

24 February 1984: Ior Bock started to tell the Bock Saga

The 24 of February 1984 dawned like any other morning on the glistening shores of India’s smallest state of Goa. As had become the custom, a few friends gathered on the porch of Ior Bock’s house to soak up the good company.

But on this particular morning, Ior stroked his bushy beard and cleared his throat, announcing that he had a story to tell concerning “The alphabet”. His friends couldn’t help but feel ever so slightly surprised. The last thing they expected from someone considered more or less illiterate and whose main interest was 18th-century Nordic history, was to dwell on such a subject.

But what would follow was the fascinating story of his family. This story is called the Bock Saga. It was not long before pots and pans were flying through the air in reaction to what he told his listeners. And this was only the beginning of many strong reactions provoked by the Saga.

In the midst of all the chaos and bizarreness that his words evoked, Ior just quietly continued to tell his story to anyone who took the time to listen. I was there – listening – when the rug of the porch was pulled from under our feet… and the seed for this book was sown.