Author of The Bock Saga
Carl Borgen
"...the world's leading authority on the Lemminkäinen Hoard"
- Daily Mail
Historian Carl Borgen has dedicated himself to capturing the remarkable Bock Saga in writing to ensure that it will not be lost to mankind. Due to his access to Finnish mystic Ior Bock and his inner circle, this remarkable alternative creation story—guarded and passed down within the Bock family as an oral tradition for more than 1,000 years—as well as the narration of the cataclysmic events surrounding it, has been saved from oblivion for future generations to appreciate and learn from.
NEW RELEASE: The Squatters Gang
Carl has also launched a podcast, Bock Saga, where he and Tor Webster, an expert on megalithic history, discuss the Saga and Ior Bock in detail. You can listen and subscribe to it on Spotify.

The new book by Carl Borgen
Temporarily Insane
This is the story of William, Ronan, Casper, Lola, and Mr Yeah – a group of Generation X freaks, who escaped the grim atmosphere of the urban industrialised world in the early 1980’s and travelled the world in search of nothing. They spent a lot of time on buses, trains, planes, pristine beaches and at psychedelic parties, and somewhere along the way they coincidentally stumbled on the greatest story the world has ever known.
Carl Borgen’s soon to be published work of non-fiction is a fascinating memoir of him and his friends and their involvement in the Bock Saga, and how this ongoing 40-year search for the Bock treasures led to all manners of adventures and mishaps.
Temporarily Insane by Carl Borgen is out now, available on Amazon in Hardcover, Paperback and Ebook formats.
The Saga of
Carl Borgen
Carl Borgen was born in 1960 into a wealthy aristocratic family without money, with the task of restoring their empire.
At the first opportunity, he fled without further ambitions to fulfil this fate. On his perpetual trip around the world, he stumbled upon the Bock Saga, the family story of Ior Bock that goes back to the first humans on Earth and thus tells the story of mankind. This story was too good not to write down.